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Kings game screenshot
  • TurnP1 ⚫️

  • Capturefalse

Game rules

Kings is a 2-player game, here's how to play:

  • Objective: Capture all of your opponent's pieces or block them so they cannot make any legal moves.
  • Game setup: Played on an 8x8 board using only the dark squares; each player starts with 12 pieces placed on the three rows closest to them.
  • Gameplay:
    1. Regular pieces move one square diagonally forward.
    2. Capturing:
      1. Pieces capture by jumping over an adjacent opponent's piece to an empty square directly beyond.
      2. Multiple captures are allowed in one turn if possible.
      3. If a capture is possible, it must be taken. Players can choose their preferred sequence if multiple captures are available.
    3. Promotion to King:
      1. A piece becomes a 'King' when it reaches the opponent's back row.
      2. Kings can move and capture both forward and backward by one square.
      3. A turn ends immediately after a piece is promoted to a King, even if a subsequent capture would be possible.
  • Winning the game: The game ends when a player captures all the opponent's pieces or blocks them from making any legal moves.

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